Air Cargo Chargo Software Aerios, a member of Cargotech, welcomed the Global Air Cargo Airline Cargojet as a recently released Carrier launch customer.
“After intensive experiences of the transportation company application, Cargoet will integrate this innovative platform into its operations. It is designed to simplify operations, enhance efficiency, accelerate response times to rented quotes, and the statute of the basic system is dominated Reliable and responding.
The Aerios’ Carrier app has helped build CRM capacity, which will provide it with access to internal data and reports, and assistance: defining opportunities with new or existing customers; Support business development with existing customers; Determine the value and nature of the missing opportunities.
“I am proud to announce Cargojet as our first partner holder. Adopting and feeding were early from Cargojet incapable of forming the Aerios Carrier The carrier, and I look forward to announcing more partner airlines in the near future. “
The Aerios’ Carrier app, specially developed for the Air Cargo Charter market, provides a comprehensive solution to the Charter Management that smoothly integrates CRM systems and communications systems with a carrier flying process, creating one digital workflow. The Aerios Products Group enables airlines of all sizes to distribute and declare their ability to mediators and tenant professionals, and increase revenue opportunities to the maximum.
The goods return live with Airios Air Cargo Charter first appeared on Air Cargo Week.